Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Asa Butterfield Signs for 'Ender's Game' Harrison Ford Among Other Names Being Talked about

That which was a deal has turned into a deal: 'Hugo' star Asa Butterfield has formally signed onto star within the large-screen adaptation of 'Ender's Game' for Summit Entertainment. Authored the kid on Twitter concerning the news, "Indeed. I am really doing the work. F*** YEAAA!!!" Due March 15, 2013 -- roughly twelve months after 'The Hunger Games' -- 'Ender's Game' concentrates on a youthful gamer who will get employed through the government to battle off an alien race due to his gifted natural capabilities of strategy. Gavin Hood ('X-Males Roots: Wolverine') will direct 'Game,' which is dependant on Orson Scott Card's beloved 1985 book. Additionally to Butterfield, another names might be coming aboard soon. Like maybe Harrison Ford. Minimal influential star is apparently being talked about to experience Colonel Hyrum Graff, "the Commander of coaching for that Worldwide Fleet, a top-notch boys' military academy." Viggo Mortensen was searched for for that role, but no deal might be arrived at. When Butterfield was requested about 'Ender's Game' throughout his 'Hugo' press obligations, he illuminated just like a candle. "It is extremely exciting," he told Moviefone. "I really like it. I have been doing lots of serious films, it will be good to behave relaxing and very exciting, which 'Ender's Game' is." [via Variety] [Photo: Getty] Follow Moviefone on Twitter Like Moviefone on Facebook

Oscar Index: So an Artist and a Horse Walk into a Bar...

Good news and bad news this week from Movieline’s Institute For the Advanced Study of Kudos Forensics — the good news being that a handful of critics organizations and awards bodies have helped to draw the year’s noteworthiest (i.e. Oscar-baitiest) titles and talent of the season into their sharpest relief yet. The bad news: Sharp relief remains a total mess, with the fields in most major categories wide open heading into December. Which is the way we like it, right? Right? Ugh. To the Index… [Click the graphs for full-size images.] The Leading 10: 1. The Artist 2. War Horse 3. The Descendants 4. The Help 5. Midnight in Paris 6. Hugo 7. Moneyball 8. The Tree of Life 9. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close 10. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Outsiders: Margin Call; Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2; The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn; My Week With Marilyn; Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy; Shame First things first: Anyone who tells you the Gotham Awards, Independent Spirit Awards, NY Film Critics Circle Awards and tomorrow’s National Board of Review Awards have no impact whatsoever on the Oscar race is either misinformed or deeply in denial. I know: I used to be one of them myself, hewing to the austerity and imperviousness of the Academy Awards, especially by such starfucking hat-passers as IFP and Film Independent. But when FIND executive director Dawn Hudson wound up hopping to the Academy’s CEO gig earlier this year, it was roughly my 843rd sign in the last five years of the institutional insularity that binds such awards-culture monoliths. People can inveigh about the NYFCC’s own austerity and rectitude, but let’s face it: If I knew I could A) jolt a film like Moneyball to awards life after two months in hibernation and B) get Brad Pitt to come to my party, I’d give the movie my Best Actor and Best Screenplay awards, too. These guys didn’t even see one of the movies long regarded as the season’s biggest wild card (Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close) just so they could vote first in the derby, and what for? So they could perpetuate the awards narrative that Harvey Weinstein initiated back in May? It’s all connected — profiles, visibility, timing. Check out Oscar oracle Mark Harris’s painstaking analysis this week for his view, or Mike Ryan’s narrower breakdown of if/how the NYFCC has recently tended to move the Oscar needle. Look at this week’s select honorees at the Gothams (not to mention Scott Feinberg’s helpful follow-up). I mean, Charlize Theron? Gary Oldman? I love both — especially in their new films (hint hint) — but we are ultimately talking about deploying any and every means available to cling to the neurons of an aging, overstimulated voting elite of 6,000-plus for the next two months. Can your organization do it better than my organization? Give it your best shot. And so on… and so on… Anyway! As noted, the awards bustle paid off most nicely for The Artist and Moneyball, the latter of which also had Pitt and fellow nomination-hunter Jonah Hill conveniently, simultaneously out and about on the campaign trail. (The Tree of Life, for which Pitt split his NYFCC Best actor nod, also benefited from tying Beginners at the Gothams. (I repeat: The Tree of Life tied Beginners — a distinction that one may think might invalidate the Gothams entirely were it not for the fact that the awards cognoscenti have spent the last 48 hours writing about them.) The Artist, meanwhile, will take its critical approbation and Indie Spirit nods (which are supposed to be for American films, but whatever), but it’ll really take its $52,500 opening-weekend per-screen average. Alas, the disturbing news arrives via Nathaniel Rogers: Everyone predicting a win for The Artist before the nominations are even announced should consider the following list and sobering fact: No movie about movies has ever won Best Picture. […] You’d think that Hollywood’s High Holy Night, which is one big self-congratulatory spectacle, would embrace movies about movies and they do to a point. But perhaps even Hollywood’s notoriously fulsome egos feel sheepish about taking it all the way. Do they fear it would be overkill, the back-patting night of nights morphing into something far more orgiastic, a daisy chain of self regard? Excellent questions! In a semi-related development, movie-love nostalgia showcase Hugo came out strong as well in limited-wide release, portending, in the words of one wag, “early rustlings of a longer-running sleeper success, the kind of success that happens infrequently in Hollywood and even more rarely in the family film realm.” Combined with staggeringly strong reviews, that success would almost certainly secure Hugo’s spot in the Best Picture coterie. It’s a tandem War Horse doesn’t need nearly as desperately, but kudos to Steven Spielberg for not taking any chances on a holiday weekend when his most formidable competition was raking in the accolades and cash. The filmmaker and Disney unveiled his latest for press and industry insiders at a handful of screenings in NYC and L.A., plus a public sneak preview (and a Web Q&A) attended by Spielberg himself. The feedback among the Oscar orthodoxy was incredibly strong, with influencers like Steve Pond, Sasha Stone, David Poland, Kristopher Tapley, Anne Thompson and numerous tweeting others (“Wept through last half of WAR HORSE. Beautiful story of hope and love in the worst of times,” wrote Devin Faraci) going to bat for it as the formidable Best Picture contender we always knew it would be. For the prosecution, meanwhile, Jeffrey Wells dismissed Tapley’s analysis in particular (which downplayed critics awards, incidentally) as “one of the basest insults to the Academy membership I’ve ever read.” Now that’s when you know you have a real contender. One last thing: How about Patrick Goldstein’s idea of a luxury tax for studios lavishly pushing the likes of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2? By publicly identifying the biggest spenders, a luxury tax could serve as a disincentive for crass studio excess. It might also help level the Oscar playing field. The vast majority of recent Oscar best picture nominees have been films that were either financed by a major studio or one of its specialty film divisions, which, if necessary, can draw on the resources of the parent conglomerate. (The 2007 best picture nominee Babel from Paramount Vantage is a good example.) Given the new formula for picking best picture nominees, if Warners’ ad spree earns Hallows 5% of the first-place votes for best picture, it could knock a smaller movie out of the running. Even though indie movies can still earn a best picture win, as Summit’s The Hurt Locker did in 2009, most Oscar insiders say that when it comes to vaulting your film into the awards season conversation, money talks. Love it! Except this whole thing about penalties going to causes like the eventual Academy museum or film scholarships for underprivileged kids is a clear misappropriation of funds that should be going to the Consider Uggie campaign. Thoughts? The Leading 5: 1. Michel Hazanavicius, The Artist 2. Steven Spielberg, War Horse 3. Alexander Payne, The Descendants 4. Martin Scorsese, Hugo 5. David Fincher, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Outsiders: Stephen Daldry, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close; Woody Allen, Midnight in Paris; Bennett Miller, Moneyball; Tate Taylor, The Help; George Clooney, The Ides of March; Tomas Alfredson, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy As usual, their films’ rising tides generally lifted the filmmakers’ boats — or the inverse, as evidenced by The Descendants and Alexander Payne. According to NY Post critic and NYFCC member Lou Lumenick, Payne’s film never received more than 17 points in any round of Best Picture voting, and the director himself never broke through a top-three cluster of Hazanavicius, Scorsese and, uh, Lars von Trier. Thanks for playing, Lars! Mr. Spielberg will take it from here.

Monday, November 28, 2011

'Dark Dark night Rises' News: Christian Bale Ditches Batman, Talks Cast

"Dark Dark night Increases" viewers, present day your lucky day! We are kicking a few days off right with believe it or not than three products straight from Gotham City and to your virtual reading through space, including new interviews with Christian Bale plus some terrifying ideas on which the brand new "Dark Dark night Increases" trailer might seem like. Get everything and much more following the jump! Bye-Bye Batman After many years of threatening the chance, Bale has confirmed the inevitable: he's done playing Batman. Inside a recent interview, he revealed: "I wrapped a couple of days ago to ensure that would be the before I am by taking your cowl off." It is the finish of the era for him and Nolan, who gave the Batman franchise a significantly needed booster shot with "Starts" in 2005. Assemble The Softball bat Squad Bale also spoke out lately about his fellow "Dark Dark night Increases" co-stars, including Hathaway As Catwoman, Tom Sturdy and Frederick Gordon-Levitt. Hathaway's job may be the most difficult from the bunch in Bale's eyes: "I usually saw Anne's role as the most difficult job of anybody. During my situation, Ive stopped referencing outdoors sources. I now reference Chris own realm of Batman as helpful tips for things i continues doing." "Dark Dark night" Trailer Bad dreams Searching ahead, a brand new "Dark Dark night Increases" trailer will probably be here before December shuts out, and MTV News author Kevin Sullivan mulled the harmful options about what is available within the latest edition from the Weekly Rising. Take a look right here. Inform us that which you think about present day "Dark Dark night Increases" updates within the comments section as well as on Twitter!

James Murdoch faces BSkyB revolt

LONDON -- Opposition grows to James Murdoch's chairmanship of U.K. paybox BSkyB while watching company's AGM on Tuesday. Institutional investor Legal & General, which has 2.9% in the satcaster, will probably election against Murdoch's re-election, in line with the Protector newspaper Monday. L&G supported his chairmanship this past year, but has apparently changed its undertake the stability of Murdoch to steer the board carrying out a collapse of News Corp.'s try to possess BSkyB outright. The sale crumbled within this summer time due to a public outcry if the emerged that News Corp.-possessed U.K. tabloid What Is The News around the world had required directly into messages around the cell-phone possessed by wiped out British schoolgirl Milly Dowler. Other traders prone to election against Murdoch's re-election include financial group Aviva, British Airways Pensions Investment as well as the Co-operative Resource Management. Lobby group Pensions & Investment Research Consultants has advised stockholders not to re-elect Murdoch. In the statement Pirc mentioned: "Mr. Murdoch's participation inside the phone-hacking inquiry enhances the risk the business's public standing image overall will probably be damaged." Three U.S.-based traders have formerly cast their votes against Murdoch. The California Condition Teachers' Retirement System (Calstrs), the Florida Condition Board of Administration, as well as the Christian Brothers and sisters Investment Services (CBIS) have selected against Murdoch's re-election. Calstrs has selected against all the organization company directors round the BSkyB board. Calstrs was among the traders to election in the re-election of James Murdoch for the board of News Corp. finally month's AGM in La. CBIS had introduced an abortive campaign for Rupert Murdoch to need to stand lower as chairman and leader of News Corp. Murdoch, who's News Corp.'s deputy COO, is predicted to live the election. That is because of the backing by News Corp., which has 39% from the organization, together with other stockholders including Capital Research Global Traders. The other day it emerged that in September Murdoch resigned as director of News Group Newspapers, author of U.K. game game titles The Sun's Sun rays as well as the Occasions. Captured, in the second grilling by British pols he "disputed intensely" claims by former News around the world editor Colin Myler and ex-legal manager Tom Crone they told him a great email showing that phone-hacking within the tabloid was common. Nick Ferguson, BSkyB's deputy chairman, has freely given his backing to Murdoch. In the letter to traders he mentioned that Murdoch had "done a preliminary-class job" as chairman. Writers also provide recognized Murdoch's achievements when he was BSkyB's Boss from 2003-2007. Contact the number newsroom at

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

ROLL CALL: Katie Holmes Wants To Return To Dawsons Creek

First Published: November 9, 2011 2:46 PM EST Credit: Getty Images Caption James Van Der Beek and Katie Holmes seen in a promo shot for Dawsons Creek in 1998LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- Your Daily Dispatch of Celebrity Shenanigans Ready For The Creek To Run Again?: Grab your dictionary and thesauruses, one original Dawsons Creek star is ready to return to Capetown! It would be fun, Katie Holmes said on Wednesdays Good Morning America, when asked about reprising her Joey Potter role for a reunion. I had so much fun working on that show and I loved everyone so much and I think about it with such fond memories. A really great group of people. OK, Katies in James? Michelle? Joshua? Busy? Kerr? Revenge Get Bloody!: The cast of Revenge get the Tyler Shields treatment with blood, skimpy attire and plenty of skin. TVs best new guilty pleasure gets even better, HERE! The U.K. Says No Way To Dakota: Dakota Fanning is usually not one to be at the center of a controversy, but the 17-year-olds latest ad for ad for Marc Jacobss Oh, Lola! Perfume has been banned across the pond for being too suggestive. See whats causing the Brits to bristle, HERE! LCs Latest Hollywood Conquest: Lauren Conrad sure does love herself a Hollywood fella! Her latest star of interest is reportedly Gossip Girls Chace Crawford. The former The Hills star-turned-author/designer was spotted sucking face with Chace at a party after spotted flirting with each other earlier in the night at LAs Voyeur, Us Weekly reported. But according to one source, the alleged encounter might not exactly be a budding romance. Theres always been an attraction between them, a source told the mag. [But] Lauren is just enjoying herself. Shes not taking anything too seriously! Somehow we doubt Chace is either! Copyright 2011 by NBC Universal, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Webber support for U.K. school

The Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation, the charitable org founded by the mega-successful legit composer, will donate 3.54 million ($5.69 million) to Arts Educational Schools, one of the U.K.'s pre-eminent musical theater centers. Donation will cover all estimated building costs, surveys, statutory applications and costs for a complete refurbishment project for the drama school, which offers undergraduate musical theater and acting training for stage, film and TV. Founded in 1919, its alumni run from Julie Andrews to Catherine Zeta-Jones. "The new facilities will provide an ideal environment for the students to take advantage of the exemplary training the School is renowned for," said Lloyd Webber. Composer makes something of a Broadway return this season, with new productions of his tuners "Evita" and "Jesus Christ Superstar" opening in the spring to play alongside his Rialto longrunner "The Phantom of the Opera." Contact Variety Staff at

Image, W2 ink distribution deal

Image Entertainment has struck a distribution cope with W2 Media covering U.S. privileges to Image films which include homevideo, television, digital and VOD. W2 Media maintains theatrical privileges on all Image game titles. The first slate of releases includes "Toast," "Pete Smalls Is Dead," "Smile" and "The Puck Hogs." "Toast" was launched theatrically in September "Pete Smalls Is Dead," starring Peter Dinklage, is placed for any theatrical release on Friday. The offer announcement is made Tuesday throughout the American Film Market by Bill Bromiley, chief purchases officer for Image. "This recently created deal is really a terrific addition to the distribution pipeline of recent release from Image Entertainment," Bromiley stated. "We are very happy to have W2 onboard and anticipate the broad spectrum of films they'll provide the marketplace.Inch "Smile" focuses on seven buddies who've organized a calming vacation in The other agents that becomes a nightmare. Mock documentary "The Puck Hogs" follows a men's leisure hockey team through the path of a weekend tournament. Contact Dork McNary at

'Skyfall' adds to cast

LONDON -- Helen McCrory and Ola Rapace have grew to become an associate from the cast of Jason Bourne pic "Skyfall." News was introduced round the official Bond Twitter account on Monday. Brit thesp McCrory remains noticed in the ultimate three "Harry Potter" photos featuring in Martin Scorsese's "Hugo." She also voiced the level of smoothness of Mrs. Bean in "Fantastic Mr. Fox" and carried out former Pm Tony Blair's wife, Cherie Blair, in "The EntireInch in 2006. Swedish thesp Rapace (who was simply once married to Noomi Rapace, star in the Swedish version of "The Woman Getting a Dragon Tattoo") has starred in many of photos native to his home territory, including "Beyond" and "Jag Saknar Search." Both will join a superb cast including Difficulties, Javier Bardem, Judi Dench, Take advantage of Fiennes, Albert Finney, Ben Whishaw, Naomie Harris and Berenice Marlohe. Mike Mendes reaches the helm in the 23rd Bond pic, that's skedded being released March. 26, 2012 in Blighty. Contact Diana Lodderhose at

Monday, November 7, 2011

Herman Cain Sexual Harassment Scandal Detailed at Press Conference (Video)

Herman Cain showed up at within former worker's skirt and attracted her mind toward his crotch some 14 in the past, a girl told a lot of reporters inside a press conference Monday that was moved live and eat some cable news shops.our editor recommends10 Hollywood Players That Will Really really make a difference inside the 2012 ElectionsGOP Presidential Candidate Herman Cain's Campaign Bio Hits Amazon . com . com Top Waiting her famous attorney, Gloria Allred, inside a Friars club facility in NY, Sharon Bialek mentioned she looked for Cain's help after she lost her job within the National Restaurant Association when Cain was running the entity. Cain, who's running for your Republican nomination for leader, remains accused by a few women who say he sexually bothered them on difference occasions inside the the 19 nineties whilst in the Restaurant Association. Bialek, though, is the first to provide her title, are available in public and describe Cain's alleged behavior. PHOTOS: 10 Hollywood Players That Will Really really make a difference inside the 2012 Elections Carrying out a heckler disrupted the press conference and was asked for to go away, Allred introduced Bialek just like a registered Repbulican, a classic co-host from the TV cooking show and former worker of CBS Radio. She also labored for your Restaurant Association in 1996 and 1997 when she increased being friendly with Cain because she sitting alongside him at luncheons and dinner occasions. After she lost her job, she arranged to fulfill Cain in Washington, D.C. and was surpised to find out that Cain had upgraded her accommodation with a "palatial suite." Bialek mentioned she was seeking advice or possibly employment recommendation from Cain, or he'd make sure that they be rehired within the Restaurant Association. While driving back from dinner, Cain stopped the automobile: "He put his hands in my leg, under my skirt and showed up at for my sex organs. More youthful crowd clicked up my thoughts and introduced it toward his crotch," Bialek told the journalists. STORY: Hermain Cain's Wife Cancels Interview With Fox News' Greta Van Susteren "Mr. Cain mentioned, 'You need a job, right?' I asked for him to avoid, which he did." "Instead of recieving the help that they wanted for, Mr. Cain rather made a decision to provide her along with his idea of a stimuus package," Allred quipped. (Video below). Bialek mentioned she shared with her boyfriend and aother guy in those days what had happened, and Allred waved affidavits within the males as proof. STORY: Herman Cain Places blame Journalists for Sexual Harassment Drama Bialek mentioned she didn't file complaints because she wasn't utilized by the Restaurant Association throughout time from the incident. She mentioned she saw Cain recently inside a Tea Party Rally and faced him, wanting he'd be "guy enough to confess what he'd done some 14 in the past.In . "I'm coming toward give a face together with a voice to people women who cannot," Bialek mentioned Monday. "I really didn't wish to be here today, and wouldn't are actually here whether it wasn't for your three other women who had alleged sexual harassment against Mr. Cain. I wish for you, Mr. Cain, later on clean. Just admit everything you did." Bialek didn't take questions within the journalists. Allred mentioned no law suits are actually filed, and he or she mentioned Bialek is certainly an discovered a bag single mom today. Video streaming by Ustream Related Subjects Politics Herman Cain

Thursday, November 3, 2011

CBS Beats 3Q Earnings Forecasts With Retransmission Consent And Digital Dough

CBS also announced that it’s increasing its share repurchasing program by $1.5B — ithas already spent $850M from its previous $1.5B authorization. As for 3Q earnings, CBS says it had net income of $338M, up 6.6% vs last year’s 3Q, on revenues of $3.37B, up 2%. Earnings at 50 cents a share beat the 46 cents that analysts expected, although they figured that revenues would come in at $3.43B. The company says that revenues for the Entertainment unit, which includes the CBS network and CBS Films, was up 1% to $1.63B. It cites challenges from “the timing of domestic syndication sales” as a challenge while it benefited from new cash from pay TV retransmission consent deals and digital streaming agreements with companies including Netflix. Cable networks, which includes Showtime, were up 14% to $420M, partly due to rate increases. The Simon & Schuster publishing unit was up 1% to $220M, helped by sales of Jaycee Dugard’s A Stolen Life and Dick Cheney’s In My Time. But the company’s local TV and radio stations were down 3% to $656M without last year’s political ads. Outdoor ad sales were up 4% to $477M helped by changes in foreign exchange rates. CBS chief Les Moonves says he is “confident that we will close out 2011 strongly, and look forward to a terrific 2012 in which we will increasingly benefit from online video, retransmission consent, reverse compensation from affiliates, international and local opportunities as well as political advertising that promises to be very robust.”